WINTERACTIVE, Boston 2024: “Echoes” and “Guitar Slide,”Two Samples from Sixteen Artworks

WINTERACTIVE: A Canadian Art Experience in Downtown Boston January 17–April 14, 2024 With barely one month left for this innovative temporary display of sixteen outdoor artworks in Boston, here is my overdue post, with focus on a grand-scale whale and a giant guitar.

“WINTERACTIVE is a free, walkable art experience featuring 16 artworks and interactive play elements, presented by the Downtown Boston Business Improvement District. Inspired by the vibrant winter festivals and art exhibitions of our neighbors in the province of Québec in Canada, we invite you to embrace the joy of winter as you stroll the streets of Downtown Boston. “ (quote from WINTERACTIVE Website)

Echoes—A Voice From Uncharted Waters, steel structure by Mathias Gmachl1 Franklin St

Echoes—A Voice from Uncharted Waters is an interactive sound-and-light work that invites us to look and listen closely. The installation—a massive, colourful representation of a whale—symbolizes our blue planet’s flora and fauna..” ( quote from WINTERACTIVE; Echoes—A Voice From Uncharted Waters )
“It asks us to consider the impact of our everyday activities on nature and the environment, making us more aware of their fragility. Interacting respectfully with the marine mammal’s vital space takes us into an enigmatic melodic world.” ( quote from WINTERACTIVE; Echoes—A Voice From Uncharted Waters )
But if we get too close, we are assaulted by noise pollution emitted by the industrialized world. The installation is a meditation on our harmful invasions of Earth’s ecosystems.” ( quote from WINTERACTIVE; Echoes—A Voice From Uncharted Waters )

Artist Statement: “With Echoes—A Voice from Uncharted Waters, I want to provide an open space—a platform—for the public to have conversations about the future of our planet. Not just about whales, but of all life that exists. The need to create room to learn, and dream, of a better future feels more pressing than ever. The installation is my small contribution towards a larger shift in the narratives and actions needed.” –Mathias Gmachl” ( quote from WINTERACTIVE; Echoes—A Voice From Uncharted Waters )

Mathias Gmachl (Technical Director) is an artist, designer, researcher and musician. He is internationally recognised for the design and fabrication of pioneering experiences and environments that radically rethink our future. As artist and activist he uses the power of imagination and storytelling to offer a radical and light footed vision for living on this planet.” ( quote from About MAMOU-MANI Studio)

Play Features: five pieces by LeMonde Studio: Guitar Slide, City Hall Plaza

The Downtown Boston Business Improvement District has partnered with LeMonde Studio to bring 5 play elements to the neighborhood. Whether you are turning a crank, riding a bicycle, or taking a photo, your actions will unlock light displays and/or music. Enjoy the Light Lane Bikes, the Bird House, the Music Box, the Guitar Slide, and the WINTERACTIVE photo frame…. !” (quote from WINTERACTIVE :Play Features )

“LeMonde Studio is a movement toward greener entertainment combining art and sensible technology. Electrifying each activation by human power or green tech, we put the visitor at the centre stage of the experience, building community bridges and teaching the actual value of energy. “ (quote from ABOUT-LeMonde Studio)

Entrusted with a straightforward mission—make Boston winter fun!—we designed five engaging activations with a singular goal: ensure that every visitor interacts with the pieces and has fun.” (quote from LeMonde Studio Portfolio Winteractive )

For this special occasion, we introduced some of our signature creations to Boston: the giant sliding guitar, four light lane bikes, the birdhouse, a music box, and the human-powered photo frame. Each installation offered Bostonians a taste of LeMonde Studios’ classic recipe for immersive entertainment and interactive fun during the winter season.” (quote from LeMonde Studio Portfolio Winteractive )

May these samples lead you to explore the enticing WINTERACTIVE website photos, descriptions, context, and maps for all WINTERACTIVE installations. Meanwhile I hope to post about a few more artworks before their season ends!



Echoes—A Voice From Uncharted Waters

LeMonde Studio,Portfolio

Play Features: five pieces by LeMonde Studio: Guitar Slide

About MAMOU-MANI Studio , includes bio of Technical Director Mathias Gmachl

ECHOES – A VOICE FROM UNCHARTED WATERS BY MATHIAS GMACHL, Montreal includes video of earlier installation in Montreal

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