Liz LaManche’s Mural Transformed a Park Stairway in Memory of Al Riskalla


Here are my photos from 2018 of Liz LaManche’s unique, memorable mural I had long hoped to post about. Delayed with hopes of getting more worthy photos in different seasons, I was then daunted by roped-off, covered steps during years of construction related to the Boston area transportation system.

Construction now completed, the mural’s faded and worn-down surfaces overwhelmed my attempts at photo-taking. If there are funds for mural restoration in Somerville this year, I’d advocate for this one above all! Meanwhile, I offer quotes and links to more vivid photos on the artist’s website Earthsign, to affirm this mural’s special features and fascinating story.

“This mural beautifies the steps in the park in Gilman Square (Pearl & Medford Streets), Somerville, MA. I made it to honor the late Al Riskalla, longtime friend and owner of ABJ Auto nearby. He was beloved in our community for his years of kindness, humor and honesty, creating a safe congenial space & fixing cars affordably for those in need. The design represents the soul’s journey to enlightenment, as a series of old cars. Rainbow tire tracks lead up to the stairs……Total size of the installation is about 45′ long by 8′ wide” (quote from Earthsign Portfolio,Public Art, The Soul’s Journey )

“The image is split up across the risers, so that each set of five stairs combines to form portraits of, from bottom to top, a blue Volkswagen Beetle, mustard yellow Vanagon, and red Saab 96. …. The mural’s current title: “The Soul’s Journey as a Series of Weird Old Automobiles.” ( quote from New Mural In Somerville Honors Beloved Auto Mechanic WBUR Greg Cook, Oct 2016 )

” Liz is a well-known artist in fine art as well as our favorite…street art.  We first learned about her art after seeing it first hand in the Boston area.  Her art is a wonderful blend of vivid, vibrant imagery and colors and often conveys a special message and meaning. “ ( intro to interview with Liz LaManche in Street Art Chat)

“In places like the Northeastern US cities can be grey and impersonal, and people can spend much of their lives in a programmed rush from one task to another. To live in cities well, and sustainably, we need to personalize them. People need to be able to express themselves to each other, to be seen and heard. The surfaces we pass by and interact with every day should be pleasing to us, or thought-provoking, and human-scale. “ ( quote from an interview with Liz LaManche in Street Art Chat)


New Mural In Somerville Honors Beloved Auto Mechanic WBUR, Greg Cook, Oct. 2016




A Series of Weird Old Cars’ honors community work by late Al Riskalla by Manna Parker, November 30, 2016, in The Somerville Times


  1. What a great article and what a fabulous local artist with inspiring work! We used to live a few blocks from here and will go by soon to see this unique mural. I love it, the art itself and the soul message! Bravo to Liz LaManche! And thank you Deb for sharing her work!


  2. Linda Coyne · · Reply

    What a terrific mural … and concept! Thank you, Deb, for this.


  3. When art is based on a caring story, the entire community benefits. Painting this mural on steps was no easy task. Thank you Liz for such a great mural!


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