Category memorials

Meredith Bergmann, Sculptor of the Boston Women’s Memorial Speaks at Premier of Talking Statues, October 21

This quick post copies information and links (in red) with background about a significant event I wish I could attend. I do plan to follow up soon, after I experience these Talking Statues on Commonwealth Avenue Mall!

Liz LaManche’s Mural Transformed a Park Stairway in Memory of Al Riskalla

Here are my photos from 2018 of Liz Lamanche’s unique, memorable mural I had long hoped to post about. Delayed with hopes of getting more worthy photos in different seasons, I was then daunted by roped-off, covered steps during a few years of construction related to the Boston area transportation system.
Construction now completed, the mural’s faded and worn-down surfaces overwhelmed my attempts at photo-taking. If there are funds for mural restoration in Somerville this year, I’d advocate for this one above all! Meanwhile, I offer quotes and links to more vivid photos on the artist’s website Earthsign, to affirm this mural’s special features and fascinating story.