Many Painters Added to Murals for Summer Solstice Celebration 2023, Harvard Museums of Science and Culture

Among the many engaging activities for all ages at the Harvard Museums’ Summer Solstice Festival 2023 was one that invited everyone to add brilliant colors to murals designed for the occasion by artist Howie Green. My arrival and photo-taking began after the artwork had already developed through several hours of turn-taking by attentive participants with brushes and chosen paint colors.

Here are a few photos that should convey the way children and adults focused on their additions to the artwork. Several people are wearing flower crowns created in another inviting activity in the spirit of the solstice on that evening of perfect weather for the occasion.

Community Paint Project 5:00–7:00 pm Participate in a community paint project with Boston-based artist Howie Green. All ages are welcome to help illuminate 40-inch wide spheres representing the Sun, Moon, and Earth.” (quote from Summer Solstice Celebration 2023 )

“Join the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture on the longest day of the year—free of charge—to explore the galleries and new exhibitions at the Harvard Museum of Natural History, the Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology, the Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments, and the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East.” (quote from Summer Solstice Celebration 2023 )

Step outdoors to enjoy lively musical and circus performances, play mini golf, and make a flower crown. ..Don’t miss out on this popular event for all ages! Sponsored by the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture in collaboration with the Harvard Graduate Commons and the Harvard Summer School. Presented with the generous support of the Harvard FAS Community Renewal Fund.This festival is part of HMSC’s 10-Year Anniversary celebration.” (quote from Summer Solstice Celebration 2023 )

“Boston-based since the early 1970s Howie was raised in East Rochester and Clarence Center, NY. Howie has a unique artist’s eye for the colorful fun that springs out of our popular culture. Images from comics, celebrities, movies, TV and various other flotsam and jetsam that washes up on the rocky shores of our popular media all make their way into Howie’s colorful and fun Pop Art creations.” ( quote from Howie Green bio)

Below are links to photos and information about Howie Green, especially his intriguing range of exciting public art projects, sure to inspire another post on ART OUTDOORS.


Summer Solstice Celebration 2023

Howie Green Public Art

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