Uplifting Updates about Hayward Zwerling’s Interactive Artworks: Giraffes and Elephant on Bike Path

George the Giraffe, Big Poppy, and Elly the Elephant still grace the Somerville Community Path on both sides of the Cedar Street intersection. More than five years have passed since they first mysteriously appeared.

All three bright sturdy animal characters continue to turn delighted heads of people passing, in familiar greeting or surprise. Bikers, walkers, runners, and school groups still stop by to set them in motion, with a reliable, satisfying sense of effort.

Now finally I feel free to confirm that Hayward Zwerling created them! A recent Globe article, April 2024, by Spencer Buell reveals their stories, along with great supporting photos.

My main goal for this post is sharing links (in red) to that Globe article* and to valuable related resources ( videos, context) on Hayward Zwerling’s website.

*Meet the man who put up a wooden elephant and two giraffes in Somerville — without asking

“First came two 20-foot-tall wooden giraffes decorated with multicolored polka dots and ears that, when a string is pulled, wiggle up and down.” ( quote from Spencer Buell’s Globe article)
Then came another: A wooden frame roughly the size of an adult elephant, with ears that flap when its trunk is lifted, and which is painted bright yellow.” ( quote from Spencer Buell’s Globe article)

Long-lasting applause for public art that keeps us looking up!

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