Category Access for all

Dominic Killiany’s Art Enlivens Playground, Gallery and Vision

Indoor experience of the scale, range, development and intricacies of Killiany’s work enriched my connections with his art throughout the playground. The exhibit, up until the end of August, is an opportunity for adults and children to understand this artist’s creative vision. Here are my photos, with quotes and links to resources that can add to your appreciation of Killiany’s art, whether or not you are clambering around it.

Take Part in Public Art at Universal Design Playground, Danehy Park, Cambridge

With great enthusiasm, I share my recent discoveries of three public art projects within the relatively new Louis A. DePasquale Universal Design Playground: 1. Mitch Ryerson’s “Sensory Hilltop,” 2. NuVu Studio’s “Pipe Dreams,” 3. Dominic Killiany’s paintings. Here I simply build on background in earlier ART Outdoors posts about Mitch Ryerson’s playground design, but the other two were new to me: Nu Vu Studios, the Innovation School in Central Square Cambridge, and Dominic Killiany, an artist with autism. I hope the photos, quotes, and links add to your own explorations.