Category parks

Art and Science Enlighten Us in a Not-quite Total Eclipse

Without the dramatic light changes of a total eclipse, this party in Kingsley Park offered creative ways to engage with and understand the significant event above us. I was impressed with the availability of learning resources and supportive volunteers. Here are a few photos of what I glimpsed when I wasn’t peering through eclipse glasses or other devices.

“Edge of the Forest,” Steel Sculpture by Mark Reigelman Stands Twelve Feet Tall in Vellucci Community Plaza, Inman Square, Cambridge

Here are a few photos from late summer, 2023, soon after the giant deer was installed in Inman Square. I still hope to do a sequel post with perspective on the whole plaza, but these current quotes and links add fascinating facts about the sculpture and the sculptor!

New Pemberton Street Mural Engages All Ages, as Creators and Viewers

“The Pemberton Street Mural was designed by Cambridge artist Whitney Van Praagh in collaboration with Alex Adamo and Kit Collins, with additional artistic contributions from many local residents and Cambridge youth. The mural was funded through the City of Cambridge Participatory Budgeting Process and supported by Cambridge Arts.” ( quote from Cambridge Arts calendar, October 2023)
My photos here are from one day when the Pemberton Mural was almost finished ( October 10) and another day soon after completion (Oct 26).

Massiel Grullon’s Mural, “Knotical Waves” Relates to Lots of Art at Lot Lab in Charlestown

My photos from the opening of Lot Lab, June 7, focus on Massiel Grullon’s mural with informative quotes from NOW+THERE. This summer I should post sequels to focus on artworks for Lot Lab by Ghada Amer, and Sam Fields.

Who Restores the Art Outdoors? Clues in Cambridge Examples: William Reimann’s Bollards and Bland Hoke’s “Artesian Well”

As I have visited and revisited local art outdoors for many years, I’ve seen how artwork can be worn down by time, weather, and all imaginable events. Luckily, also I have seen how artwork can be restored by planful focused funded teamwork. For example, here are photos, quotes and links with hints of how change happened at two sites in Cambridge.

Large Marble Leaves by Claudia Comte Shine beneath Tall Oak Trees in Central Wharf Park

Enticed by a notice from NOW+THERE about the current installation of Claudia Comte’s Five Marble Leaves in Central Wharf Park, I visited on a sunny October morning. During a delightful half-hour documenting with my iPhone, I began to plan a first post that would convey the captivating combination of artwork and setting. I hope these photos, quotes, notes, and links meet that goal now or soon after further adventures in the park.

Gold Brings Glow to “Breathe Life Together” Mural in Dewey Square on the Greenway

This post is a brief follow-up to the earlier one with images and quotes about the mural in progress during June 2022, crammed with quotes and links. The focus here is on how and why Rob “Problak” Gibbs incorporated gold and purple within the mostly black, gray, and white range of the main images.

Take in Bike Tour of Public Art in Cambridge: Central Square, Cambridgeport, and Riverside

This post notes outstanding outcomes of an exciting event one perfect evening in late July 2022: the beautifully organized free bike tour of Cambridge public art between Central Square and the Charles River. 1. Bike-riders of all ages gathered outside the Central Square Library for an overview of art around the library and along the planned route of the whole tour. Cambridge police and attentive volunteers guided everyone safely through the sunset finale. 2. The tour is now engagingly documented in a 2-minute video. 3. The route has become a self-guiding tour for cyclists, though certainly adaptable to walkers. Facts, links and videos on the tour site are informative and intriguing for interested readers far from Cambridge. 4. The whole experience even elevated my already towering enthusiasm for public art!

Take Part in Public Art at Universal Design Playground, Danehy Park, Cambridge

With great enthusiasm, I share my recent discoveries of three public art projects within the relatively new Louis A. DePasquale Universal Design Playground: 1. Mitch Ryerson’s “Sensory Hilltop,” 2. NuVu Studio’s “Pipe Dreams,” 3. Dominic Killiany’s paintings. Here I simply build on background in earlier ART Outdoors posts about Mitch Ryerson’s playground design, but the other two were new to me: Nu Vu Studios, the Innovation School in Central Square Cambridge, and Dominic Killiany, an artist with autism. I hope the photos, quotes, and links add to your own explorations.

Public Art in Somerville Highlights History of deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum in Lincoln

Public art in Somerville has enlightened me in many ways in recent years. Here are two more examples, each enlivening my resources as a long-time volunteer guide at deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum in Lincoln. Both focus on fascinating aspects of Somerville’s Union Glass Company, owned by Julian deCordova through the early years of the twentieth century. One is among the seven vibrant panels of the Union Square History Murals on the building where Webster Avenue (55-50) and Prospect Street (70) intersect. The other is a bright sturdy signpost, among more than fifty others in Conway Park on Somerville Avenue. Here are photos, quotes, and notes to elaborate their connections.