Category collabrative murals

See How a Mural Can Connect People, Past and Present: El Punto Community Mural Designed by David Fichter

Generations” – “Generaciones”i nstalled September 2023, Harbor St/Congress St, Salem:

Visits to “Generations” – “Generaciones” on site or online (or both, many times) will powerfully connect us to people and events in the history of a significant part of Salem. This mural is just one of many that David Fichter has designed for numerous communities to relate dramatic moments and human interactions in their history. Families, school groups, and anyone attentive to what’s happening up on the wall will find lots to enjoy and discuss! This post offers quotes, links, and photos that should lure you to explore “Generations” – “Generaciones !”

Welcoming Windows and Wall Mural Heighten Spirits in Arlington Heights

Links on or below photos should lead to more information plus inspiring photos of people making and sharing their art, for three creative community projects in Arlington: 1. YOU ARE LOVED mural, 2. Poetry on windows, 3. Painting on windows

New Pemberton Street Mural Engages All Ages, as Creators and Viewers

“The Pemberton Street Mural was designed by Cambridge artist Whitney Van Praagh in collaboration with Alex Adamo and Kit Collins, with additional artistic contributions from many local residents and Cambridge youth. The mural was funded through the City of Cambridge Participatory Budgeting Process and supported by Cambridge Arts.” ( quote from Cambridge Arts calendar, October 2023)
My photos here are from one day when the Pemberton Mural was almost finished ( October 10) and another day soon after completion (Oct 26).

Double Delight and Much More in Mural Art by Jessie and Katey at Kendall Center, Cambridge

Silly to keep waiting for all construction in Kendall Plaza to stop obstructing parts of Jessie and Katey’s brilliant designs on two main entries there. September 2021 was the celebration of completion; but after four visits since then, I am deeply impressed with the vitality they add to often disrupted surroundings.

Enjoy Additions to Art Scrim* by Muideen Ogunmola and Stephanie Vecellio on Acadamy Way, Zone 3

In August, I learned of two new displays of art on fabric along fences near the intersection of North Harvard Street and Western Avenue in Allston. The series by both artists extended my own awareness of how the semi-transparent quality of scrim textile can work with the metal fence patterns as well as the natural and constructed landscape. Until I revisit and learn more, here are my recent photos and quotes from informative links.
*”ART SCRIM is a temporary outdoor gallery program that highlights local artists by turning construction fencing around Barry’s Corner into a platform for sharing art. “

Many Painters Added to Murals for Summer Solstice Celebration 2023, Harvard Museums of Science and Culture

Among the many engaging activities for all ages at the Harvard Museums’ Summer Solstice Festival 2023 was one that invited everyone to add brilliant colors to murals designed for the occasion by artist Howie Green. My arrival and photo-taking began after the artwork had already developed through several hours of turn-taking by attentive participants with brushes and chosen paint colors.
Here are a few photos that should convey the way children and adults focused on their additions to the artwork. Several people are wearing flower crowns created in another inviting activity in the spirit of the solstice on that evening of perfect weather for the occasion.

Massiel Grullon’s Mural, “Knotical Waves” Relates to Lots of Art at Lot Lab in Charlestown

My photos from the opening of Lot Lab, June 7, focus on Massiel Grullon’s mural with informative quotes from NOW+THERE. This summer I should post sequels to focus on artworks for Lot Lab by Ghada Amer, and Sam Fields.

Newest Mystic River Mural Panels Feature Poem by Terry Carter and Actions by Green Roots

Panels from the summer Mystic River Mural Project are now installed on Mystic Avenue. Here are iPhone photos from my visit plus quotes with links to rewarding resources.

See Many Sides of Murals by Adam O’Day, Julia Roth and Cedric Douglas in Kendall Square

In December I happened upon two murals (painted 2019, 2020) on vent shafts for BioMed underground parking in the Canal District, Cambridge. Both extended my fascination with how artists can work creatively to include all sides and various functional features in their mural designs. The photos, links and quotes here should help reveal what artists did to transform vent shafts into colorful, exciting works of art!

Look Back at Daniel Gordon’s Dewey Square Mural on the Greenway 2021

Though I visited and photographed Daniel Gordon’s art on the Greenway in 2021, I didn’t get to post about it. I kept meaning to go back for better photos and then the art was gone. But there are better photos and valuable perspectives in the Key Resources from Wonderland, WBUR, and Daniel Gordon’s own website, all quoted and listed here. Also now I want to document the transformations created by all nine Dewey Square murals in the past ten years.