Category Boston Public Art

WINTERACTIVE, Boston 2024: “Echoes” and “Guitar Slide,”Two Samples from Sixteen Artworks

WINTERACTIVE: A Canadian Art Experience in Downtown Boston January 17–April 14, 2024 With barely one month left for this innovative temporary display of sixteen outdoor artworks in Boston, here is my overdue post, with focus on a grand-scale whale and a giant guitar.

KENDALL SQUARE ART WALK: A Great Way to Find and Focus on Public Art

For countless years I’ve wandered around Kendall Square in Cambridge to locate murals, sculptures, and other outdoor art to post about. Now a new numbered map and list from THE ART WALK PROJECT provides a much-needed self-guiding resource. KENDALL SQUARE ART WALK has already proven its worth for me, with exciting promises ahead! Here are two sample discoveries from January 1, 2024, late afternoon in Kendall Square: a recent mural by Sophy Tuttle and a long-standing sculpture by Chris Williams,

Meredith Bergmann, Sculptor of the Boston Women’s Memorial Speaks at Premier of Talking Statues, October 21

This quick post copies information and links (in red) with background about a significant event I wish I could attend. I do plan to follow up soon, after I experience these Talking Statues on Commonwealth Avenue Mall!

Massiel Grullon’s Mural, “Knotical Waves” Relates to Lots of Art at Lot Lab in Charlestown

My photos from the opening of Lot Lab, June 7, focus on Massiel Grullon’s mural with informative quotes from NOW+THERE. This summer I should post sequels to focus on artworks for Lot Lab by Ghada Amer, and Sam Fields.

Meet “The Embrace” Sculpture by Hank Willis Thomas on Boston Common, January 2023

On the cold rainy morning after the very crowded unveiling ceremony of January 13, 2023, I began to explore “The Embrace” on the Boston Common’s new ‘1965 Freedom Plaza.’ Here are a few photos, links, and quotes selected for this first in what could become a series of related posts in the years ahead. The focus of this post is the sculpture itself, with basic information about the Freedom Plaza and broader plans from Embrace Boston.

Look Back at Daniel Gordon’s Dewey Square Mural on the Greenway 2021

Though I visited and photographed Daniel Gordon’s art on the Greenway in 2021, I didn’t get to post about it. I kept meaning to go back for better photos and then the art was gone. But there are better photos and valuable perspectives in the Key Resources from Wonderland, WBUR, and Daniel Gordon’s own website, all quoted and listed here. Also now I want to document the transformations created by all nine Dewey Square murals in the past ten years.

Large Marble Leaves by Claudia Comte Shine beneath Tall Oak Trees in Central Wharf Park

Enticed by a notice from NOW+THERE about the current installation of Claudia Comte’s Five Marble Leaves in Central Wharf Park, I visited on a sunny October morning. During a delightful half-hour documenting with my iPhone, I began to plan a first post that would convey the captivating combination of artwork and setting. I hope these photos, quotes, notes, and links meet that goal now or soon after further adventures in the park.

Gold Brings Glow to “Breathe Life Together” Mural in Dewey Square on the Greenway

This post is a brief follow-up to the earlier one with images and quotes about the mural in progress during June 2022, crammed with quotes and links. The focus here is on how and why Rob “Problak” Gibbs incorporated gold and purple within the mostly black, gray, and white range of the main images.

Important Stories Come Together in Current Dewey Square Mural: Rob “ProBlak” Gibbs’ “Breathe Life Together”

This post combines photos from my June visit when “Breathe Life Together” was still in progress with quotes from rich key resources ( listed below). I hope they will entice you to the exciting photos and interviews within those resources. Above all, I hope you will visit the completed mural itself if you are anywhere near Boston!

Artists Kayla Myers and TECHNI Energize Art-Making for Zone 3 Community Sketchbook

Early in the afternoon of art activities for Zone 3 Community Sketchbook on July 16 in Allston, I photographed people of all ages engaged in adding to the very long stretch of inviting open wall. Two days later I came by again. Awed by the art that had been accomplished in one weekend, I couldn’t wait to share the impressive results. Here are selected photos, links, quotes, and notes to convey how this new phase of creativity in Zone 3 came to be.