Category interactive art

The Lexington Women’s Monument by Meredith Bergmann Brings Together and Celebrates Many, Many Inspiring Stories

My first and only visit to the monument so far was for the artist’s enlightening talk on Dedication Day, May 18. I plan to return often, eager to absorb everything sculptor Meredith Bergmann’s amazing artwork offers. Meanwhile here are quotes, resources and a few photos to guide your own visit, online or in person.

Uplifting Updates about Hayward Zwerling’s Interactive Artworks: Giraffes and Elephant on Bike Path

George the Giraffe, Big Poppy, and Elly the Elephant still grace the Somerville Community Path on both sides of the Cedar Street intersection. More than five years have passed since they first mysteriously appeared.All three bright sturdy animal characters continue to turn delighted heads of people passing, in familiar greeting or surprise! Bikers, walkers, runners, and school groups still stop by to set them in motion, with a reliable, satisfying sense of effort. Now finally I feel free to confirm that Hayward Zwerling created them! A recent Globe article, April 2024, by Spencer Buell reveals their stories, with great supporting photos.My main goal here is to enthusiastically share links to the Globe article* and to valuable related resources ( videos, context) on Hayward Zwerling’s website.

“TAPPED IN -Moving Hearts and Minds Through Art and Science” Part 3: Three More of Ten Creative Teams

This third post about “TAPPED IN” completes my plan to focus on artwork by all ten artist-scientist pairs in the exhibit. The pairs represented here are Mags Harries/ Nadia Szeinbaum, Victor Pacheco /Paul Kirshen, and Casey Figueroa /Terrius Harris.

“The exhibit aims to touch hearts and minds, fostering change through art that visualizes the impact and implications of the scientists’ work.” ( quote from TAPPED IN , Umbrella Arts Center)

Connect with “Tapped-In” Outdoors, Indoors, and Online

This second post about “TAPPED IN” opens with an update about important connections between the outdoor installation and the indoor gallery space. The indoor gallery presented images, materials and explanatory text for each outdoor artwork and the whole exhibit theme. In early May, all indoor elements for “TAPPED IN” gave way to a different exhibit in the gallery space. All outdoor art remains up through June 8. Key resources* for “TAPPED IN” continue on the Umbrella Arts website. However, one of the ten artist-scientist pairs’ work was only represented in the indoor space. That was the compelling wall display by Ilana Manolson with  Janine Benyus.

Take Time to Take in “Tapped In -Moving Hearts and Minds Through Art and Science”

The Umbrella Arts Center, 40 Stow Street, Concord, MA, April 11 – June 8, 2024 “TAPPED IN” is an innovative art installation at the intersection of art and science that combines outdoor public art with an indoor educational gallery display.  Inspired by the concept of ‘edges’ in ecosystems, “TAPPED IN” celebrates the dynamic intersections where diverse influences meet, bringing together ten artist-scientist pairs* to offer fresh perspectives on climate change, CO2 mitigation and action.”  

WINTERACTIVE, Boston 2024: “Echoes” and “Guitar Slide,”Two Samples from Sixteen Artworks

WINTERACTIVE: A Canadian Art Experience in Downtown Boston January 17–April 14, 2024 With barely one month left for this innovative temporary display of sixteen outdoor artworks in Boston, here is my overdue post, with focus on a grand-scale whale and a giant guitar.

Actively Change your Views of Artworks at deCordova Sculpture Park

Seeing art from all sides is always a rewarding feature of deCordova Sculpture Park. These two recently installed artworks* offer revelations from such opportunities.  Here are photos from walk-arounds of both neighboring artworks with notes, quotes, and links that add perspective.  
*Huff and a Puff, Hugh Hayden; ^Temporal Shift, Alyson Shotz

Last Days of DeWitt Godfrey’s Lincoln at DeCordova Connected Past and Future

Farewell Lincoln (150 feet long, Cor-ten steel and bolts, installed 2012) events, October 22,2023
De-installing Lincoln October 23, 2023:
It is simpler for me to select from photos of two final days with Lincoln than from so many moments through more than a decade of great days in deCordova Sculpture Park. I hope to do a future post with significant overview of Lincoln, plus other newer artworks by DeWitt Godfrey. The good news after Lincoln has gone is that its numerous cylinders can become parts of exciting new sculptures in other alluring destinations.

Follow Changes and Connections through Art Ramble 2023 “Geo-Metric” in Concord

‘Art Ramble is an annual, temporary exhibition in the Hapgood Wright Town Forest in Concord, MA, a collaboration of The Umbrella Art Center and Concord’s Division of Natural Resources (CDNR).’ (quote from The UMBRELLA, Art Ramble 2023) September 1 – November 19, Curated by Stephanie Marlin-Curiel

Part 1: Rob Greene, Liz Helfer, Ellen Schön, Laurie Bogdan, Fran Sharp, Susan Arthur

Many Painters Added to Murals for Summer Solstice Celebration 2023, Harvard Museums of Science and Culture

Among the many engaging activities for all ages at the Harvard Museums’ Summer Solstice Festival 2023 was one that invited everyone to add brilliant colors to murals designed for the occasion by artist Howie Green. My arrival and photo-taking began after the artwork had already developed through several hours of turn-taking by attentive participants with brushes and chosen paint colors.
Here are a few photos that should convey the way children and adults focused on their additions to the artwork. Several people are wearing flower crowns created in another inviting activity in the spirit of the solstice on that evening of perfect weather for the occasion.